woman loving on her labrador retriever

How To Find An Emotional Support Animal

Emotional support animals (ESAs) provide a valuable service for those facing mental health challenges by offering companionship and a calming presence. Unlike service animals, ESAs aren’t trained to perform specific tasks; instead, their very presence is the therapy. If you’re considering an ESA as part of your mental wellness plan, the process begins with understanding your needs and ensuring you meet the criteria for an ESA.

Finding an emotional support animal starts with assessing the type of animal that would best suit your lifestyle and emotional needs. Any domesticated animal can be an ESA, so whether you’re drawn to the loyal nature of dogs, the independent character of cats, or the unique companionship of birds or reptiles, you have a variety of choices. After selecting the kind of pet that aligns with your preferences, the next step is obtaining a legitimate ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional, which confirms the need for an ESA as part of your treatment plan.

Qualifying for an ESA

To qualify for an emotional support animal (ESA), you must have a verifiable mental health condition that an ESA could help ameliorate. The process involves a personal assessment and consultation with a mental health professional.

Assessing Your Need for an ESA

Begin by honestly evaluating whether you’re facing challenges related to conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD, or phobias that might be eased with the presence of an animal. An ESA isn’t just any pet; it is there to support you through a mental health condition, so understanding your own needs is the first step.

Consulting a Mental Health Professional

Once you’ve acknowledged your need, you’ll need to consult a licensed mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, or medical doctor. They’ll assess whether your condition meets the criteria as a mental disability under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and whether an ESA can be part of your treatment plan.

During this consultation, be prepared to discuss your mental health in depth. If they determine an ESA is beneficial for you, they’ll provide a recommendation. This typically comes in the form of a prescription on professional letterhead that includes their license number, your diagnosis, and the role of the ESA in your treatment plan. Remember, unlike psychiatric service dogs, ESAs don’t require special training, but they must be recommended by a licensed professional.

Where To Get An Emotional Support Animal

Finding an emotional support animal (ESA) is akin to looking for a new pet that best suits your personality and lifestyle. Any animal that provides you comfort and support can be designated as an ESA; this includes a wide range of pets such as dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, and even reptiles.

Adoption Options:

  • Local shelters: Check out shelters near you for a companion that might resonate with your needs.
  • Rescue groups: Use online databases that connect to specific animal rescue groups.
  • Pet shops: While typically not encouraged due to ethical concerns, some may consider pet shops.
  • Breeder: If you’re looking for a specific breed, contact a reputable breeder.


  • Landlord approval: Ensure you have permission from your landlord if required, as it’s crucial to adhere to housing policies.
  • Therapist’s letter: Remember, you’ll need a letter from a licensed mental health professional to support the ESA’s necessity for your mental health.
  • No training required: Unlike service animals, ESAs don’t need special training.

Acquiring an ESA is not about finding a specially trained animal, it’s about choosing a pet that can provide therapeutic presence. If you already own a pet, they can potentially become your ESA with the appropriate documentation from a mental health professional. When looking for an ESA, it’s important that the animal matches your lifestyle and ability to care for them, ensuring a mutually beneficial relationship. Remember, since there is no official registry or certification, be wary of services claiming otherwise. Always consult with a mental health professional to guide you through the process and help you meet all the requirements for having an ESA.

Choosing the Right Emotional Support Animal

Emotional support animals offer invaluable comfort and companionship, but it’s essential to select one that aligns with your lifestyle and emotional needs.

Considering the Best Animal Type for Your Needs

Dogs and cats are the most common emotional support animals due to their capacity for companionship and ease of bonding. Consider a dog for active support or if you’re looking for an animal to take on walks and outdoor activities. Cats can be perfect if you prefer a more independent companion who still provides affection and comfort.

Other animals like rabbits, birds, or even miniature horses can also serve as emotional support animals. Rabbits may offer a quieter, gentler form of companionship, while birds can be interactive and engaging without needing outdoor exercise. Miniature horses, although less common, are recognized for emotional support due to their longer lifespan and strong bonding capabilities. When choosing, think about the space you live in and how much time you can dedicate to your animal’s care and interaction.

Understanding Responsibility and Care

Any emotional support animal requires a commitment to their well-being. Ensure you’re ready to provide:

  • Proper nutrition: A balanced diet suited to their species and breed.
  • Regular veterinary care: Check-ups and vaccinations to maintain health.
  • Exercise and mental stimulation: Daily activities to keep them fit and engaged.

While emotional support animals don’t require specific training, they should be well-behaved and able to remain calm in various environments. Your animal’s behavior is a reflection of the care and training you provide, so consider your ability to train and socialize your pet before making a decision.

Obtaining an ESA Letter

Before you get started, know that obtaining a legitimate ESA (Emotional Support Animal) letter requires a recommendation from a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) and should comply with specific regulatory criteria.

Requirements of a Legitimate ESA Letter

A legitimate ESA letter must come from a licensed therapist, physician, or LMHP who is currently treating you for an emotional or mental condition. The letter should include:

  • The professional’s contact information: Including their license number and the state or jurisdiction where it was issued.
  • Your need for the ESA: Specifically, how the animal will help alleviate symptoms of your condition.
  • A current date: The letter must be current, as some landlords or airlines may require documentation issued within the past year.

Here’s what the ESA letter needs to state:

  • That you have a diagnosed mental or emotional condition.
  • That an ESA is part of your ongoing treatment plan.
  • That the issuer is a licensed mental health professional and you are under their care for this condition.

Avoiding Scams and Illegitimate Services

Be wary of scams when searching for an ESA letter. A legitimate letter can’t be purchased without a consultation with a licensed mental health professional. Here’s how to steer clear of scams:

  • No Instant Approvals: Any service claiming instant certifications or registrations is likely not legitimate.
  • Avoid “Registration” claims: There’s no official registry for ESAs, so websites offering official certification or registration are misleading.
  • Check Credentials: Make sure the professional providing the ESA letter is licensed in your state and has valid credentials.

While online services can connect you with mental health professionals for legitimate ESA letters, you should be skeptical of any platform that doesn’t require a proper evaluation of your condition.

Responsibilities of ESA Ownership

Emotional support animals (ESAs) provide invaluable companionship, but it’s crucial to understand that ownership comes with specific responsibilities, particularly regarding training and adherence to laws.

Understanding the Need for Training

Your ESA should be well-behaved, as it’s not only beneficial for you but also a courtesy to others around you. Training is essential to ensure that your animal has good manners and can cope in various social settings without causing disruptions. Remember that while an ESA does not require specialized training like a service animal, basic obedience is crucial:

  • Sit, stay, come: Fundamental commands to manage your ESA in public.
  • Behavioral training: To prevent aggression and anxiety.
  • Socialization: Helps your ESA stay calm in different environments.

Knowing the Laws and Accommodations

Being aware of the legal aspects of ESA ownership is imperative. Unlike service animals, ESAs are not covered under the federal law of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), but they do have certain protections, particularly concerning housing.

  • Fair Housing Act (FHA): Ensures access to housing accommodations without discrimination. Landlords must provide reasonable accommodation for ESAs without charging pet fees or deposits.
  • State laws: Can vary significantly; it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the laws specific to your area.
  • Airline Access: As of recent changes, ESAs are not guaranteed travel accommodation on flights as before and may be treated as normal pets.

As an ESA owner, you’re responsible for understanding and navigating these laws to advocate for your and your ESA’s rights effectively.